Please be aware that guarantees only apply if proper maintenance has taken place on all products.
We have created a general maintenance guideline to assist you with caring for your aluminium products to
increase the lifespan on all components.
Coastal homes cleaning and maintenance steps to increase all components lifespan
Step 1: Weekly cleaning necessitated by wind driven salt laden moisture (normally done by home staff)
The exterior of the window and door frames should be rinsed down with fresh water at least weekly to reduce salt and dirt build up on the exterior surfaces of framing and components. This will also be necessary after a heavy wind, which normally brings salt laden moist air which settles on the windows and doors. This should be done with a medium pressure hose and all components and framing should be sprayed and visually inspected.
Following such a rinse and once the window or door is dry it is recommended that exposed hardware
components are sprayed with dry silicone spray. This includes moving parts, cut and joined ends, hinges,
cylinders, moving parts on shutters, blade ends, stainless door stoppers and other stainless steel components.
This can be done liberally and will not damage the frames. If unsightly after application, excess can be wiped
off with a dry rag.

Step 2: Monthly more in depth cleaning/ lubrication (normally done by home staff)
A wash down of the frames and glass should be done using a suitable soap with a high foam component. This is normally done by hand with a sponge. The window is then rinsed off with fresh water and wiped down with a damp cloth.
Glass can be cleaned with a variety of window cleaning products available commercially. Alternatively, for stubborn grease stains concentrated methylated spirits or isopropyl alcohol can be used.
Once the window or door is dry it is recommended that exposed hardware components are sprayed with dry silicone spray. This will include moving parts, cut and joined ends, hinges, cylinders, moving parts on shutters,
blade ends, stainless door stoppers and other stainless steel components. Special attention should be paid to
applying silicone spray to all cut ends of aluminium. This can be done liberally and will not damage the frames. If unsightly after application, excess can be wiped off with a dry rag.
Stainless steel components should be cleaned with stainless steel cleaner prior to application of silicone spray. All moving components should be operated. Keys should be fitted into external cylinders. Handles and shutter locks should be operated.
A lubricant spray should be applied to the moving components of locks, the internal components of cylinders, the slides in the shutter locks etc. Excess should be wiped off with a dry rag immediately after application to avoid attracting dust.
Step 3: Bi-annual clean (normally done by professional cleaning company)
The same process as the monthly clean should be followed; however, as an additional measure the powder coating should be polished using a wax or silicone based polish to further protect and enhance the surface of the powder coating. Sliding door tracks and other areas should be kept clean and free of dirt and sand at all times. This is normally done with a vacuum cleaner and in stubborn cases with a steam cleaner or paint brush and vacuum.
Step 4: Service and lubrication
We recommends an annual inspection of the windows and doors, following which an assessment and detailed
quote will be provided for items that should be maintained or attended to. At this time a lubrication of all working parts is normally recommended. This should result in lower maintenance costs over the long term and
avoid premature breakages.